Welcome to my page! I'll be sharing ideas about my latest book, my life as a writer-in-training, and who knows what else.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I did it. I didn’t think I had it in me. I’m not the one to take chances, really. But the inner-voice said, “Do it.” So, my hair is now red. It’s a nice red—really more auburn. My husband likes. And, it will wash out in 28 days.  Why should you care about my overly dramatic tale of me and the box of hair color? Because I think we all need to work on putting our lives into perspective.

Do you feel like you have a story inside that’s eating to get out, but you don’t take the time to peck it out on the computer? Do you want to ask someone out, but fear rejection because he/she is perceived as “out of your league”? Do you feel God calling you to do something different in your life, but you are afraid of trusting Him completely? Of course in our minds, these are all valid excuses. No one wants to fail, or be embarrassed, or disappoint our Creator. But as I see it, we don’t really live if we don’t move a little further out on the branch. We can still hold onto the trunk a little. As long as we aren’t hurting others and taking undue risks, what’s a little red hair? I figure if some ladies over the age of 85 can do it, so can I! Carpe diem! Be a little out of character this week, try something new, take a little risk. I figured since we were having my in-laws for Thanksgiving this year, I might as well go all out. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thank you!

I would like to say a huge "thank you" to those who have already tried my young adult novel, Impossible Find. It has been so exciting to see the numbers go up on my Amazon.com account. I truly hope that you enjoyed reading it! I had a great time writing it. The characters became so real to me that at one point I told my husband, "You can't believe what Matt Robinson did today!" Crazy? Yes, more than slightly! Scary? You have no idea! We have small children, so I'm lucky my husband didn't pack them up and run.

I also had a fun time researching angels and other church folklore as I wrote Impossible Find. I don't want to give away too much, but what I found was really fascinating and impacted the story in ways I couldn't have imagined when I began writing it in June 2009.

If you've had a chance to read Impossible Find, I'd love to hear any feedback! Feel free to leave it on my blog or at amazon.com. I welcome the opportunity to learn from others. Thank you so much for giving my writing a try!