Welcome to my page! I'll be sharing ideas about my latest book, my life as a writer-in-training, and who knows what else.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Black Moments

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm going to start out by saying that my goal this year is to focus on adding interesting/relevant writing information to my blog for 2012. We'll see how that goes--planning and grading can get in the way of serious blogging efforts!

Today's topic deals with black moments. Huh? Yep. I know. I just heard about them a few days ago--I'm probably the only novelist who's never heard of them. These are points in the plot where the hero/heroine is at his/her lowest. Everything seems lost. Depressing, right? Hence, black moments. However, the plot usually revives, the hero and heroine can be together, and the story reaches the happily ever after--or at least I hope it does!

Hoping and praying you all have few black moments in the coming year and that you can achieve the happily ever after you're looking for! Here's to a great year!

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